Saturday, August 25, 2007

Party Time

Yesterday we took the Kayaks out on the lake again which she enjoyed, though she does more sightseeing than paddling, as my arms can attest to that - it was a good work out none-the-less.

As the end of Summer draws near, you can start to see some of the leaves start to change. She seemed excited to learn that the leaves here in New England turn various colors (Red, Yellow, Orange etc) but did not really know of Evergreen trees which remain green throughout the year.

Today we prepare to go down to Connecticut and have a pool party for my youngest. Its just with family, but it is her birthday.

Typically we just burger and dog it up then jump in the pool and have water fights. Just a lazy day for the most part - but this will be something Aya would enjoy.

Although she lives in Okinawa and by the beach, she tells me she doesn't go swimming much, to add to this, she doesn't really own what we call a bathing suit. She told me that the kids her age just wear T-Shirts and shorts to go swimming in public and that she only wore a bathing suit in her school only. She said she feels strange out in public with a bathing suit on and most likely won't wear one here.

Leaving early to get a head start; my wife wants to pick up some groceries on the way down and of course hit up Dunkin Donuts (cause America runs on Dunkin).

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