Thursday, August 9, 2007

Day of R & R

I awoke fairly early this morning, mostly due to our dog begging to be let out.

Grabbed quick bowl of cereal and started my coffee in the Keurig, which IMO is the best invention in a long time for non-morning people.

I used to grab a coffee at Dunkin' Donuts or make a full or half pot, wasting the rest of the coffee. (I think I am saving money)

Browsing the web through some email, blogs and Japanese links - I saw this YouTube video that I thought was hysterical. As I notice I will soon come to the realization that getting older is a permanent situation, but hair is only temporary.

It's 9:25 a.m. now and the eldest girls are still fast asleep. I figure I will let them rest since they only have a few more weeks until they have to wake at the crack of dawn.

Sort of a lazy day around the house, Aya and youngest shot a few hoops then came indoors for a little Foosball action; it was 2 on 2. I teamed up with my youngest and Allie and Aya teamed up. It was entertaining, its a wonder why won't don't play it until friends come over. I do miss a real pool table or even a good Air Hockey table.

There is a tentative plan to go out on the kayak's since the weather is good today and will rain Friday and Saturday, but the girls left for some errands.

I did accomplish something today; I set up a study area for Aya as she requested and as I stated in an earlier Blog, I had planned on doing. (Something positive came of it - hurray!) She has a very large desk to use cleaned off with a matching bookshelf and its in a quiet area of the home away from all the activity. It's hard to tell, but I think she's happy about it.

I could be a cultural thing, but after dinner last night (one that my wife made), she didn't say whether she like it or didn't like it. I know guests and friends usually say I like this (even deep down inside it could be something they didn't really care for, but to be polite people say these kind of things). It feels a little odd there is no real expression (a deep in thought look), little eye contact is made often unless directly spoken to. Only when asked did she say she thought it was good.

I think it will take some time for all of us to adjust, as the guide book stated - we will notice and expect different reactions and events than what actually comes to surface. I am sure she expected something totally different as well in every day family living.

I had some MP3's of some Japanese music from a Anime show I watch and enjoy, though I am a grown up called Naruto. I know we have the syndicated version in America - but I prefer the subtitled Japanese version, it has more feeling to it.

In one of the several car rides we took this week, I played a song I like the most from a set of 10 different theme songs. I was surprised she never heard of the song and when she asked what it was from I told her Naruto. She laughed and said she doesn't watch that show, boys do mostly. (Oddly she admitted to watching Dragon-Ball Z and Pokemon) - which I thought to be boys cartoons as well.

Above are the Lyrics with English translation (not by me) and a video clip. Surprisingly a lot of the songs have a positive message regardless how coarse it may sound.

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