Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Happy Birthday Aya!

Yes, officially Aya has now turned 18 years old yesterday.

She's come home to tell us she has had cake in school where they threw her a surprise birthday party and again at her friends house where her friend from Thailand was celebrating her own birthday (ironically).

Aya last night revealed the fact that she was utterly sick of eating cake as she has had cake the past 3 days for one occasion or another.

As she made that statement my wife brought up a cake with 18 lit candles to the table after dinner, she looked at me with the "OMG" look.

Her mom had sent her a package from Japan with all kinds of snacks and goodies, plus a gift. I told Aya that she could only open up the present from her mom on her actual birthday, sticking with our American tradition. (She was tempted though)

She opened up her gift from her mom, "Jewelery" to include earrings. I believe I mentioned in an earlier post that Aya requested to get her ears pierced but in the state of Massachussetts, no place we went to would allow it without her real parent(s) present. The only way she get her's done is if she was 18 years of age, but this was last Summer when she tried hard to get it done before the start of school.

Well the waiting game was over and we will be taking her to one of the many malls to get hers done properly - she's excited about the excursion.

Her mom did send her a doing-it-yourself home-kit, though I know she tried on her own - but not sure it came out well enough as I didn't see her wearing any after the first month of trying it. My guess is that it wasn't centered and looked akward.

Amongst her gifts we focused on getting her car key chains, car bling stuff because her mom told her when she returns home - she's got a car waiting for her to drive. We of course could not top this gift (mom's always seem to have the trump card).

She told us that she had tried to blow out all the candles when given the cake at school and she failed there, so I told her her wishes she makes before blowing out the candles won't come true if you don't do it in one breath.

She huffed - and - puffed and they were out.


Bill said...

Happy Birthday Aya!

Thank You Brian for leaving the info on Holland MA on my blog.

Christy said...

Thank you for commenting on my blog. I came to check yours out as well and wanted to say how enjoyable it is to read about Aya. What a wonderful opportunity for both her and your family. My senior year of high school we had four exchange students (out of a total of 68 seniors), so we got to know them fairly well. It was a wonderful experience.


Brian S said...

Thanks for stopping by guys.

There is still some debate whether my wife will be ready to host again for a full school year. I think she will want to try a European country and host for a shorter period.

It can be taxing on both sides at times. But I can honestly say it all depends on the personalities of both parties involved. (Happy and outgoing versus reserved and withdrawn).

I would recommend to request correspondence and an impromptu interview to get a feel for the person before commiting 275 days of your life.

It most likely would be better if they didn't have to attend the high school and have a boat load of projects and homework which gets to be graded. (too much stress) should be a year of relaxation and getting to know the country.