Sunday, December 16, 2007

Let it snow!!

This is Aya's first real bout with snow - the snow she's seen a few weeks back was just a dusting - a mere 1/2 inch or so.

This time we've received nearly 2 back-to-back storms, she came out after the first one to offer assistance in shoveling the driveway, but quickly thought better of it since it was 26F.

We did encourage her to stay just enough to be able to slide down the unplowed street by our home. She had fun briefly until the cold seeped into her bones.

She had not yet purchased gloves and boots, though we strongly suggested that she should. She stated that the other students don't wear them; typical New England teens who are used to wearing just a hooded-sweatshirt (hoodie), no gloves and just sneakers in conditions like this. But Aya who is from a very warm climate can't mimic the locals for very long.

Later that evening we went glove and boot shopping - we are waiting to see if they get put to use.

1 comment:

tokyobilly said...

big snow falls like that are pretty... but i don't miss shoveling, driving in it, or the bitter cold!!!