Sunday, January 13, 2008

One of the Japanese religions and the Jewish Faith point of origin the same?

After poking through some of the Blogs I gander at when things are slow at work, I came across one about the Jewish Faith and the Shinto Religion.

At first the title of it looked like something you'd see at the Super Market tabloid section.

It would quite odd to learn that some of the Japanese people in Japan are actually one of 12 Tribes from Israel who had to roam the desert.

See and read for yourself, thanks to Japan Probe and other sources.

Uploaded by oniazuma

Part 2

Here are some Links read through regarding this comparison:

I plan on discussing some of these findings with Aya, though I know she is from a different religion and may not be know about Judaism, Christianity and Shinto.


tokyobilly said...

that shit is crazy interesting... i never heard about it either! i'd like to believe it's true.
it's funny though, in the western world, everyone's heard of the jewish religion... but in japan, when i'm asked what my religion is, and i explain that i'm jewish, most don't have a clue what that means at all...

Brian S said...

Yeah, its crazy - I've yet to show my mom the clip. I told her over the phone and she was like "whhhhatt?"