Friday, January 23, 2009

Learning the language; the New Years Resolution.

Most people say they are going to quite smoking or go on a diet. I want to pledge that I will make an extra effort to learn Japanese. I've already committed myself to signing up with several teaching sites.

And I've made friends with a couple of people who have learned the language or at least in their 4Th year in studying it; so they can correct me and encourage my learning.

I had thought, maybe one day I could become a JET teacher in Japan - but those dreams are getting dashed as it seems I am getting older and they most likely would like people who are more educated and younger with more energy.

My mom has plans to take one more family trip back to Japan within the next 5 years - so I want to prepare and learn more than I had back when I visited back in 1988. I also want to rekindle some friends I made there back then, just would have to find out where they moved to and their new addresses and contact information.

Currently I am refreshing my Katakana and Hiragana and will progress later on with Kanji (the pictographic characters that is seen in Chinese).



Thursday, January 8, 2009

No last minute package.

Akemashite Omedetou Gozaimasu! (Happy New Year 2009)

Well wanted to send a quick post stating that we have not heard from Aya since after her return in Japan, all but one phone call and an email stating that she made it and was trying to adjust back to life in Okinawa after her return.

She had promised my youngest daughter some gifts from Japan - I only figured she was going to send them around Christmas time as she did enjoy Christmas in America. My youngest specificaly asked for Japanese Erasers (made to look like images of Japanese foods and dishes).

Well needless to say, the package never arrived.

I don't know why, but I still felt dismayed - but it was to be expected I guess.

Hope any of you, who has plans for hosting a student. May you get one who can appreciate the time spent with and for them.

