Sunday, December 16, 2007

Let it snow!!

This is Aya's first real bout with snow - the snow she's seen a few weeks back was just a dusting - a mere 1/2 inch or so.

This time we've received nearly 2 back-to-back storms, she came out after the first one to offer assistance in shoveling the driveway, but quickly thought better of it since it was 26F.

We did encourage her to stay just enough to be able to slide down the unplowed street by our home. She had fun briefly until the cold seeped into her bones.

She had not yet purchased gloves and boots, though we strongly suggested that she should. She stated that the other students don't wear them; typical New England teens who are used to wearing just a hooded-sweatshirt (hoodie), no gloves and just sneakers in conditions like this. But Aya who is from a very warm climate can't mimic the locals for very long.

Later that evening we went glove and boot shopping - we are waiting to see if they get put to use.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Bouncing into basketball season

My own children have been playing basketball for the past 3 years and signed up again this season. We choose to include Aya this time and signed her up, because she wanted to try something on a sports team. She didn’t like the options offered: Swimming, Soccer, softball and field hockey. We encouraged her to try basketball – so she reluctantly signed up.

She missed her first practice due to being sick (she stayed home from school that day also) and missed her second practice because she was on her California trip. The coach basically said she can’t be on the team due to the fact she has not showed up (money well spent) – there is a game 12/2/07 which I think she will officially tell the coach she wants to quit.

MMPOGs are eating into my day-to-day life

I am learning the hard way that on-line gaming can steal precious life hours away, especially if play time is nearing addiction. I will seek to lessen my time and do it in moderation, as I realize the year has gone by so much more quickly missing out on some days outdoors with family.

It’s sort of a life bandit, takes away from time you could be spending elsewhere with family, friends or doing something knowledgeable.

I am curious as to how many other families have lost a soul to this world or one like it?

Research Paper Work Hell

Aya is being dragged down with even larger assignments in U.S. History class. She has to write note cards, research paper and work cited on a topic from a fairly large list from the teacher.

All of this is quite confusing to Aya, since it has to be in a certain format: MLA and can not be any form of plagiarism. Fortunately for me or I didn’t have to do these types of papers in High School or college, since both of the schools were technical. She asked me for assistance, I looked at it bewildered since I haven’t turned on that part of my brain in years.

I may so some internet research on how to write a research paper which include Work Cited sheet, Question and Thesis.

Aya doesn’t show a lot of interest in doing her homework when she gets home lately, not sure if it’s a combination of being homesick or just not really caring too much for the academics. As it seems she is treating this more of a one year vacation from Japan to get to see America.

She seems to be shying away from American culture and resorting to going to Japanese websites and reading Japanese magazines. Mostly like it’s because this is where her comfort zone is.

Speeding Ticket hearing…

Had my court date for a speeding ticket I received back on Labor Day Weekend – was able to get a reduction but couldn’t get it waived. Well saving $100.00 was worth the trip instead of just paying the full $200.00. I don’t usually drive too fast and get upset when I see other flying by me on the high-way and nothing seemingly happens to them.

Oddly enough the State Troopers seem to exceed speed limit for not apparent reason without Lights or Sirens quite often. I presume there is no recourse for them; who is going to give another cop a ticket for speeding?

Below Freezing!

Aya had seen the snow a few weeks back which only accumulated about 1 inch, since then it’s just been odd weather (some days in the upper 50’s and sometimes rain).

This past weekend, the temperature has dipped down to 25 deg F and had some wind. Though it did not snow, it was down right bone-chilling.

Aya couldn’t believe it; she has a winter coat she purchased in September from L.L. Bean. Not sure why she removed the attached hood nor does she zip up the front all the while telling me how cold it is.

This won’t prepare her for the harsh January and February weather we get here in New England from time to time. If she’s lucky it will remain semi-mild. (Though viewing the weather reports – the mid-west had been struck with a snow storm and we are supposed to get something tonight).

Pass the gravy!

The Holiday's are coming faster as each year passes or so it seems. Wal-Mart has had Christmas music playing since November 1st. As much as I like the Holiday season, it’s getting out of hand with all the decor being put up in Early November.

My wife had purchased an outdoor blow-up Tom the Turkey display for outside; she thought that we ought to decorate more for each Holiday. He looked more like a mascot at some football game than a lawn ornament.

Aya experienced her first Thanksgiving in the U.S. She appeared to enjoy the food, though she still is quiet and doesn't really comment on what she eats here unless asked.

Our dinner was down in Connecticut with my wife's family. Everything was good and I got stuffed as usual.

Aya had left the day after Thanksgiving to head out on her booked California trip: Hollywood, Las Vegas and stuff in between.
She spent a week out there with her group and tour company / chaperones.

We had a 2nd Thanksgiving celebration on Saturday with my family, again in Connecticut. There was a ton of home cooked goodies and we stuffed ourselves again.

As with most of the Blog’s I’ve been reading; I am not the only delinquent poster – its just sometimes life seems to get busier than the time allowed.

Volleyball playoffs

In late November I took the girls, especially Aya to watch an American Volleyball tournament where some of the best teams in Mass were competing. She enjoyed it a lot – I’ve never watched one so it was interesting (though long).

I didn’t realize it was best of 7 due to ending the best of 5 with a tie, or something like that. It was loud and each school had their cheering fan section all done up in their school colors like war paint.

We watched Division 3 with North Reading versus Frontier

The North Reading team was beaten twice before in previous years by the Frontier’s and this year they were out for blood. We had no idea of either team, since we’ve never attended these events. In the beginning we just chose a team with the same school colors as our kids.

Shopping woes

We’ve taken Aya to over a half dozen stores to purchase items she was looking for such as light colored jeans, gloves and hats for the Winter. Each time she never really can decide an item or it doesn’t look right for one reason or another.

Frankly, we will have to boil it down to this since we are growing a little tired of playing taxi service. A) She can order online from whatever store she desires B) Purchase items from the stores available in our area. Due to time constraints, sports, work and school we can’t just go on a whim any longer.